Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used to evaluate neighborhood/community impacts of the physical environment, community cohesion and programs and services. These include:
- Surveys
- Population level data analyses
- Community level data analyses
- Photo essaying/PhotoVoice
- Neighborhood tours (windshield and walking surveys)
- Asset-based Community Mapping
- Cognitive mapping
- Focus groups
- Town hall meetings
- Group discussions
- Key Informant interviews
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An example of a community-wide assessment conducted with children, youth and adults (parents, teachers, principals, social service workers, youth workers, health professionals and municipal government) is the Bowen Island Child and Youth Well-being Project. Multiple methods were used to ensure all voices had the opportunity to explain why their community was important to them, the issues that needed to be addressed and potential solutions for improvement.
To see the process and results, click on the Community Report, or the Publication- Living on a rural island: Children identify assets, problems and solutions for health and wellbeing.