Inclusive Schools

The Inclusive Schools Checklist

The Inclusive Schools Checklist is a reliable and valid tool that identifies 76 potential architectural barriers (for the entrance way, ramps, entrance door, passageways, washrooms, signage and safety features, water fountains, elevators, classrooms, stairs and hand rails, library, and recreational facilities), 44 potential inclusive classroom practices and 23 potential school/school board inclusive policies.

The specifications for the measurements are based on standardized child and adult dimensions and anthropometrics identified in standardized building codes that apply to both elementary and high school students as well as an extensive literature review and key expert consultations.

Contact Apriori Research to assess your school or to purchase the Inclusive Schools Checklist

Read the article that describe the development and testing of the Inclusive Schools Checklist

Pivik, J., McComas, J., & Laflamme, M. (2002). Barriers and facilitators to inclusive education as reported by students with physical disabilities and their parents. Exceptional Children, 69 (1), 97-106.

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